Can we reverse diabetes ?

Diabetes Reversal – a Myth or Reality So many claims are made that a patient with Diabetes can reverse or cure Diabetes. Answer -  In some—Yes     ,   In many - No YES -  if a patient with diabetes is obese Continue Reading

Happy Birthday !

Happy Birthday to my father who turned eighty three today (God bless). My father lost his mother when he was a small child. He & his father (my grandfather) used to cook their meals together. He fondly (& proudly) recalls Continue Reading

Constants in Life !

Good morning A warm cup of tea , a book (Kindle eBook these days) and a soothingly lit corner of my bed are my constants in life. That never fail to comfort & calm me. In a world obsessed with Continue Reading

Don’t let Acne (pimples) shake your confidence !

Good morning Few months back, a beautiful girl in late teens came to my clinic who was hiding behind her Acne problem. She was using some home remedies that sometimes helped a bit & mostly had no effect. Acne was Continue Reading